Preserving Delta Life: Safeguarding Cauvery's Herpetofauna, Captive and Wild


Our comprehensive research efforts aim to build a knowledge repository about regional reptile species. We conduct field surveys, gather indigenous knowledge, and engage a network of dedicated researchers to study taxonomy, behaviour, habitat preferences, population dynamics, and conservation status. This data is centralized in a digital repository, accessible through open science practices.

Conservation Breeding

RCA's flagship project focuses on conserving critically endangered turtle species. We are in the process of establishing secure breeding facilities, replicate natural conditions, and closely monitor their health and behaviours to bolster populations and gain insights into their biology.

Land Conservation

RCA actively engages in land conservation initiatives to preserve critical reptile habitats. We acquire and manage key parcels of land, establish protected reserves, and promote sustainable land use practices.

Education & Awareness

Our education programs bridge the gap between communities and reptile conservation. We offer workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions to promote coexistence, responsible conflict management, and snakebite mitigation. By fostering awareness and understanding, we strive to create a harmonious environment for humans and reptiles.